Monday, September 3, 2012

A Fun Weekend!

Let me warn you right up front - this post has nothing to do with Kilbourne or college... it is all about my weekend of fun.  As those of you who have already been following my blog for a while know, I try to occasionally provide updates that allow you to have a glimpse into my life.  I understand that it can be hard talking to someone that you feel you don't know, but it is also hard for me to share information about myself with you 1:1 in my office in the limited time we have available.  I do have signs up around my office and lots of pictures that I hope will help you get to know me better, but from time to time I like to be able to share updates on my blog that give you a better glimpse into my life.

I spent the long weekend in Kentucky at my sister's house.  My sister and her husband have 2 kids (with a 3rd on the way!) and she needed me to watch the kids for the weekend.  My niece, Carly, is 9 years old and my nephew, Colton is 6 years old.  We had a blast together this weekend... but I am exhausted!  :-)  I took a lot of work with me thinking I'd do it in the down time, but once I was there and in the midst of playing with the kids, I quickly decided that work could wait and it was important to stop and simply be there with them and be the best aunt possible.

We didn't do anything extravagant over the weekend - although my nephew asked if we could go to Florida and my niece wanted to go to the Humane Society with the hope that she could pick out a puppy for me to adopt.  (Again, those are examples of things we didn't do!) But we turned the house into our own playground for the rainy weekend.

We built a massive fort - I don't have any pictures that can do it justice, but we could all easily stretch out in the fort without being in one another's way.  (Colton reported that his favorite part of the weekend is when he got to knock down the fort.)

We played hide-and-go-seek, lots and lots of board games (and no, I didn't let them win - I'm not that nice!), and we even adventured outside where I let them play in the rain.

I took them to the grocery store and bought them pretty much any food that they wanted and so they are set for donuts, fruit roll-ups, chips, oreos, and ice cream for quite a while.  :-)  We did some baking together - and by together I mean, Carly helped stir for about 2 minutes and Colton said his job was to be the smell tester to make sure it smelled good before we'd eat it.

We built with blocks (initially intended for his stuffed dog, but later he decided the "castle" should be for him.

We read books, colored, drew pictures, watched movies, snuggled, had a dance party, cheered the Kentucky Wildcats in their football game (let's not talk about how that turned out...) and they put on a piano recital for me.

Carly's favorite part of the weekend was that we painted t-shirts.  What the picture (below) isn't able to capture is that the paints we picked out also had a glow-in-the-dark paint and so the kids loved that their shirts had aspects that glowed in the dark.  (Colton's shirt had so much paint on it I'm not sure it is ever going to be completely dry!)

I don't know what how you spent your weekend, but I am definitely looking forward to hearing about it so I hope you will stop by my office and update me.  I also hope that if you are given the opportunity to make memories that will last forever, that you will embrace the moment.  I might be working a few late nights this week to get caught up on the things that I didn't get done this weekend, but if I were to die tomorrow, I know that my niece and nephew would know they were loved completely!

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