Thursday, August 2, 2012

Summer Fun

Does it seem like this summer went crazy fast for you?  It is so hard to believe that it is already August and we will soon return to school.  The good news is that you do still have a few weeks left.  My niece and nephew, Carly and Colton, started back to school TODAY!
I had a wonderful summer that included a full week in Kentucky hanging out with my sister's family.  No matter what we are doing - playing games, putting together puzzles, cuddling on the couch, simply hanging out together or even cleaning their rooms, I cherish the time we are able to spend together.

In the area where my sister's family lives there is a huge musical theater community program and each year they do a different show that runs for 5 weeks.  Carly had decided that she wanted to participate and so she tried out and was selected to be in their production of Suessical the Musical.  She had a blast (as a mermaid) and I was fortunate enough to be able to attend opening night (as well as several of her practices).  It was very cute, not only did Carly have all the songs memorized, but Colton did as well and was able to sing right along throughout the show.

Aside from time with my family, most of my time has involved getting settled into my new house.  It is finally starting to feel like mine and I am realizing that home ownership also involves a lot of non-stop work that never seems to end.  :-)

I cannot wait to hear about your summers and the fun times that you had.  Enjoy the last few weeks and I will see you soon!

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