Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Everything's Changing...

I'm sure you have heard that nothing in life stays the same and this is certainly true around WKHS lately!  We have a new computer system called Infinite Campus which is how we will be managing all of your schedules and everything else that is a part of the school management system.  As a result your schedules will look different.  This change to a new computer system will be a great thing in the long run - right now we are definitely experiencing some growing pains though.

Many of you will notice when you pick up your schedules that there are 2 copies stapled together.  We thought the schedules were accurate and so labels were added with your computer login information and after that was done someone realized that, for whatever random reason, 8th period wasn't appearing on the print out.  Oops!  Obviously that was a problem so they printed all of the schedules again and stapled them to the copy that had the mailing label.  This has created a great deal of confusion so please understand that you follow the schedule that shows 8 periods, but you will need to know the computer access information that is on the mailing label.

Infinite Campus will also be the system that teachers utilize to post grades, so we will no longer be using e-Sembler.  You will access Infinite Campus through the Worthington District Website which is and then you will login using the button in the top right corner of the page.

Please try to be patient with me as we only had very limited training on using Infinite Campus so this is definitely a big adjustment and so some things are taking longer than normal, but I promise that I am doing the best I can to keep on top of things.

As we start back to school it is also a bit surreal to realize that you are coming back as the next grade level.  This is an adjustment for you and also for me.  Today I was talking to a parent and I commented that I would see her son tomorrow for his schedule pick up day (thinking he'd be here with the juniors) and she reminded me that he was a senior now and had picked up his schedule already!  Oops!  :-)

It's been great to see many of you already this week and I am looking forward to seeing everyone next week when we are back in school.  Enjoy your last few days of summer - believe me, it already feels like summer was a long time ago and it is just my first week back to work!  Lol.

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