Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Halfway Point

You are now half-way through summer.  Hard to believe isn’t it? I hope that you have been enjoying the time off, staying cool in the hot weather, and finding time to connect and spend quality time with your family and friends.  Although I suspect that I am like many of you in wishing the summer would slow down, I am looking forward to seeing all of you again and hearing about everything you did this summer.  Since we are at the half-way point, I thought a few reminders might be in order…

-         --  Summer work!  Many of you have signed up for classes that require summer assignments to be completed.  I know that procrastination is king in many of your lives, but please let me remind you that if you put off completing your summer work until August then you are going to start the year in a mad scramble and already be sick of doing work.  Believe me, I understand that it is hard to work on something that doesn’t *have* to be done yet, but in the long run, using your time now will be worth it.

-        --   Summer School!  Quite a few students are taking summer school classes either at Thomas Worthington or through an online program.  Those of you who are going to school every morning at TWHS are certain to be making progress in your classes, but I always worry about the online classes since they require more self-discipline and like summer work are easy to procrastinate on until it is too late.  I have received transcripts already for a few students who have already finished their online summer school classes so I know that some of you are working on the courses, but if you have been putting this off, please get moving on your summer school assignments.

-       --  College visits – many students and families will use the summer months to explore colleges.  Whether it is wandering around a campus near your vacation spot, checking out a school that is definitely on your application list, or just visiting schools to try to figure out what you like or don’t like, please make sure you take a picture of you somewhere on campus for me!  I also suggest that you jot down a few notes about your first impressions of the school.  This will be helpful to you later in the college decision making process.

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