Sunday, January 22, 2012

Kilbourne Counselor Website

Have you been to the Kilbourne Counselors website lately? Should I ask if you have been at all? :-) If you haven't, I hope you will take a moment and visit the site. The address is

The website is still a work in progress, but every week we are adding more information and resources that I think will make your life a little easier. I will be the first to admit that the site is very simple and lacks pictures to help keep things entertaining, but that will come in time. Right now, I am just excited about the fact that we have a website at all to post information that I think you will want to access.

Considering the fact that I know absolutely NOTHING about creating a website, I am pretty proud of it. I am also learning that it is better to leave something on the site that you didn't really want rather than delete it only to figure out that you deleted the wrong item and then spend over 2 hours trying to recreate what you had wanted to have on the site. :-) Yes, that is how I spent most of my day today!

Today, a few of the items that I was able to get posted on the website are the scholarship offerings that we are aware of currently as well as summer camp program offerings for the coming summer break.

I have a list (4 pages, typed, single spaced) of things that I would like to do and add to the website to continue to improve it, but if there are things that you think of when you go to visit the site that you feel are missing that would be helpful, please let me know so that I can be sure to add it to the list.

The website is only useful if people are visiting it, so please, take a moment to check it out and then bookmark the site for future reference.

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