Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Break Check-In

Are you enjoying your break? It is hard to believe we are half way through! I have been having a great time so far and it feels like time is moving so fast and there are still a million things on my “to do” list that I had hoped to accomplish before we start back to school.

Yet, I know that many times people get through the first part of break and then feel like time moves too slow. If you are a student who isn’t feeling productive and you are wondering what you could consider doing to be productive with the remainder of your break, I have a few ideas for you.

Study! I know, you don’t want to hear that, but with just 5 school days remaining before exams, you really should be using your time now to better prepare for your exams. Review key concepts, figure out what you don’t know so that you can seek help from your teachers for clarification, and develop a study plan to make sure you are prepared for each exam.

Sleep! You like seeing this idea much better than the last one, right?!? :-) Don’t worry, I do too. Studying is work and sleep is restful. You need sleep and so many of you don’t get enough sleep that now is an ideal time to try to get into a good sleep routine. Unfortunately, I suspect that many of you are like me in that you are sleeping more, but necessarily on a good sleep schedule. It will be important before we start back to school that you try to get the sleep schedule closer to a more realistic time so that you aren’t hurting quite as bad as you will be when you have spent all day sleeping until 12 or 1 (or later) in the afternoon and suddenly have to be sitting in class and paying attention at 7:45 in the morning.

Help others. Volunteering your time to make a positive impact is a great way to use your time during the break. There are many organizations in need of willing hands and hearts to make a difference. You might even be able to convince your friends to join you in the community service outreach which will make it more fun to spend time with your friends while also helping others.

Be productive. Use this time wisely to check a few items off your own to do list. How organized are you? Do you need to go through your bookbag (that thing sitting in the corner that you haven’t touched since you tossed it there last Wednesday) and sort through your papers? Do you need new folders? Do you need to hole-punch your papers to put them into your binders? What else can you accomplish that will make your life a little easier down the road? Clean your room? Explore colleges? Organize your closet? Apply for scholarships? Write thank you notes? Investigate career options? Read the book you have been wanting to read? Finally finish your college applications? You get the idea – basically think about the things you know that you should do and try to knock a few of the items off your list.

Celebrate family. There is so much hustle and bustle leading up to the holidays that everyone tends to be running in a million different directions. It is a nice idea to try to slow down and enjoy being with your family and finding joy in the small moments. Surprise your mom and ask her to watch a movie with you (without an ulterior motive). Shock your sibling by inviting him/ her to play a game with you. Impress your dad by doing something unexpected that will help him out without being asked. You get the idea, but those simple moments can make a big difference and are the moments we will remember years from now rather than what the gifts that you unwrapped this year.

Here are two other articles with ideas for winter break: (and for the record, the first included sleep on their list too!) :-)
How I hope we spend our holiday break

Celebrate Holidays through Community Service

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