Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Application Details

Tomorrow is December 1st! This is one of the significant deadlines for many colleges and so over the last few days seniors have been scrambling to try to get their applications finished up. As you get ready to hit submit, I'd like to remind you to double check every aspect of your application before you turn in your application!

Make sure you didn't skip over an area planning to come back to it later. Many students leave activities or honors lists empty intending to return to update that information later. Also, be sure that you have provided accurate information about yourself and your parents. For example, when you mess up your social security number, it can be difficult for the college to match your information together and it takes a lot longer to get everything straightened out with your application.

If your application required an essay, make sure that you put the right essay with the appropriate application. (In other words, don't submit an essay to Dayton answering OSU's question and vice versa.) Also, be sure that your essay is within the specified word count. Hopefully it goes without saying, but since it is all about details, please make sure that you upload the final version of your college essay rather than a draft version.

For those students who are applying to schools which utilize the Common Application, you have some additional details to pay attention to with your applications. It is essential that you print preview your application before you submit it to be certain that everything looks exactly like you want it to appear. The way it looks when you hit print preview is the way it will look for your college. A hint of what you should be looking for when you print preview the page would include making sure that nothing is being cut off. For example, double check the short and long essay as well as the general application text boxes to make sure your information isn't being cut off. If your application isn't appearing exactly how you wanted it to look, then you need to make changes to your application so that it does look how you wanted it to appear. Also, when using the Common Application, double check that you have truly submitted your application. This includes submitting the main application, paying the fee for the application (if the college charges an application fee) and submitting any supplements that the college requires. You will also want to verify that all of your school forms have been submitted. (You will be able to see this on the school forms tab of the Common Application.) The school forms area will include the transcript being submitted by me and, when applicable, the teacher or counselor recommendation letters. If you notice that one of your school forms/ recommendation letters has not been submitted, but you had previously asked a teacher for a rec letter, please go and see the teacher and ask nicely what the status of your recommendation letter is and ask if they need you to resend them the common application recommendation link. Try to keep in mind that they are helping you by writing your recommendation letter, so be sure to approach the contact with gratitude and kindness rather than being upset about the fact that you have to ask them again about your recommendation letter.

For those college applications that are not on the Common Application, don't forget that you need to make sure that you have mailed in your transcript in it's sealed envelope. Many students still have transcripts in the Counseling Center that you need to pick up, address, and mail before the deadline.

If you need any last minute help with your applications, feel free to stop down and see me tomorrow.

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