Sunday, September 11, 2011

September 11th

It is hard for me to believe that 10 years ago our nation was changed through the tragedy of 9/11. (For what it is worth, it is also hard for me to believe how young all of you were and, realistically, how little you recall from that day.) As I have been thinking about all of the individuals and families whose lives were forever changed because of the tragedy on that day, my thoughts have also been on all of you. Although you may not have faced or endured the personal impact of a national tragedy, there are often smaller individual or family crises that you are faced with in your life. As a reminder, I am here to listen, support and help you in any way that I can.

On a completely separate note, don't forget that this week is Homecoming week and there are a lot of festivities planned culminating with the football game on Friday night and the dance on Saturday night.

I also wanted to give you a heads up that I will not be at school tomorrow because I will be at a meeting with all of the Ohio public and private 2 and 4 year colleges to get the latest updates regarding admissions.

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