Wednesday, July 27, 2011


Hello! Sorry it has been such a long time without a blog post. I hope you are enjoying your summer. It is hard to believe that next week is August! My summer is definitely flying by at a rapid rate.

As some of you may be aware I have been in school to further my education by getting my community counseling license. This required an internship and so for the last 13 months I have been working at OhioHealth's HomeReach Hospice with the bereavement team. Basically, I have been working as a grief counselor with them. It was a wonderful experience and very rewarding. Today was my last day and I am now completely DONE with my classes and my internship! :-) YEAH!!! I am so excited and glad to be finished. I enjoyed the experience and all that I learned, but it will be nice to have my life back.

So, even though after I have been slacking on updating my blog this month, I am going to put off writing an informative/ educational update for another night as my own treat to myself for being done. :-)

Since I am updating about myself, I might as well add in that in addition to classes and working at Hospice this summer I have also squeezed in some time with my sister's family. It is so hard (and scary) to believe that my niece will be starting 3rd grade and my nephew will be in Kindergarten this year. Time flies and they are growing up so fast! (Wow, that makes me sound old doesn't it? Unfortunately it is true!)

I hope your summer has been just as exciting and wonderful. I am looking forward to the start of the school year so that I can hear about all of the things that you have done and accomplished this summer!

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