Wednesday, June 8, 2011

It's Officially Summer Break!

Congratulations! You have successfully completed another school year. I am sure that you are all breathing a sigh of relief that exams are over and that summer has finally started which means you get to sleep in tomorrow. (I am jealous!) Hopefully your exams went well and your grades for the 2nd semester will be strong.

Teachers will be in the building tomorrow working on finalizing grades and I will still be working through part of next week trying to readjust all of the schedules based upon failures and working to arrange for students to make up credits in summer school.

After next week I will still check e-mails routinely, but will not be in the school or checking voicemail messages. If you need to reach me e-mail is definitely the best option! As for the blog - I will still update it during the summer, but not as often. I am currently thinking about two updates a week, but we will see... I don't want you to get out of the habit of reading the blog, but I also don't want to bore you with mindless chatter.

Enjoy your summer!

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