Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Senior Recognition Night

Tonight was the Senior Recognition Night - a time when graduating seniors are honored for the contributions and awards received over the last four years of high school. A very impressive group of 206 students were honored tonight.
With 48 of "my" students being recognized tonight there was no way that I could try to get the entire group together for a picture, but I was able to grab this group of 9 students for a picture during the post-ceremony reception. (Left to Right) Back Row: Richie Cole, Chris Duann, and Ethan Dixius Middle Row: Wyatt Allread, Eric Barbe and George Domer Front Row: Heather Boortz, Carmen Casillas and Brian Aguirre

Congratulations to everyone honored tonight! I am proud of you and was grateful to be able to participate in your evening of well-deserved recognition!

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