Sunday, May 22, 2011

Arts in Action - 2011

Did you have fun on Friday during Arts in Action day? I enjoyed having a chance to wander around and see the artwork/ hear the music of many of my students. I never cease to be amazed at the level of talent you all display in all areas - academics, athletics, and arts! During the day I stopped in to watch some of the videos, viewed the artwork, listened to the musicians, and watched the pottery throw-down competition. Here are a few of the images I captured throughout the day...

Cassie Barrett who WON the Pottery Throw-Down Competition!

Jada Earl

C.W. Boyles

Kristin Cellentani

Rosan Eldadah

Katelyn Cassidy (left) and Jill Brandenburg (right)

Carmen Casillas

Members of Acafellas - including 4 of "my" students - Hunter Atha, Clarke Chidester, Josh Cook, and Arthur Ding

Congratulations to everyone who worked hard throughout the year to be able to showcase all of your talents and abilities during Arts in Action day! And, while we're talking about art, I would also like to recognize the students who were recognized with art awards this year.

Naomi Barker, Rachel Berg, and Jada Earl were each Governor's Regional Art Show winners and Emily Cantrell and Rachel Berg were Governor's State Art Show winners. Congratulations! I am proud of you!

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