Thursday, May 19, 2011

Academic Signing Day

This morning approximately 45 WKHS seniors participated in the academic signing day ceremony. Students are given the option of participating in this ceremony if they have been awarded $4,000 in academic, merit or fine art scholarships. ($4,000 one time or $1,000 renewable for 4 years) Each student came onto the stage and announced the scholarship they had received, where they would be attending college and offered their thanks to people who have helped them during their high school career. These students were awarded over 2 million dollars in total! A very impressive accomplishment!
7 of "my" students were among those honored today. A special congratulations to: (L to R) - Holly Klepek (Miami University), Jami Brunner (Centre College), Carmen Casillas (Notre Dame), Christine Bukovac (OSU), Katie Baldwin (Otterbein), Ali Wright (University of Dayton) and Chris Duann (OSU). Congratulations and I am proud of each of you!

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