Tuesday, April 26, 2011

School Notes

Tomorrow we are on an 8-minute homeroom bell schedule. (below)

1st period - 7:45 - 8:34
2nd period - 8:39 - 9:28
Homeroom - 9:33 - 9:41
3rd period - 9:46 - 10:35
4th period - 10:40 - 11:29
5th period - 11:34 - 12:23
6th period - 12:28 - 1:17
7th period - 1:22 - 2:11
8th period - 2:16 - 3:05

During the homeroom time freshmen, sophomores and juniors will vote for the 2011 - 2012 Student Body Class President and Class Vice President. 3 of "my" students are among those running for election. Good luck to (alphabetically): Hunter Atha, Grace Barker, and Josh Cook! I'm proud of you for the courage it took for you to run for these class officer positions! Seniors will have a class meeting during the homeroom time.

Seniors, as one other reminder, tomorrow afternoon is also Senior Tea. This is a time when Worthington elementary schools invite their former students back to visit with the teachers and staff. Students and staff both look forward to this event so be sure to bring your parent permission slip signed so that you can be excused to attend.

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