Saturday, April 30, 2011

End of April

I'm not sure if it is just me, but I cannot believe it is the end of April! This whole school year feels like it has gone by so fast, but in particular the last few months have felt insanely fast.

For those students who were still stressing out about what school to choose before tomorrow's May 1st deadline (and there were lots of you), I hope that you are feeling some sense of peace now that you have made your decision. The Washington Post ran a story, Stressed by choosing a college? Read these tips. Perhaps it is a story that might help you.

One of the issues that has come up recently - both with students trying to make their college decision as well as with students who were trying to identify what schools they want to look at for the future - is the topic of drinking on campus and how much of a "party school" atmosphere various schools may include. This blog post does a great job addressing this topic.

I hope you are having a nice weekend. I am in Kentucky this weekend for my niece's first communion and today was gorgeous! Granted, tomorrow it is supposed to rain, but at least we saw the sun shining for one day. I hope it was nice in Ohio too.

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