Sunday, April 10, 2011

4th Quarter Begins

Well, spring break is officially over and tomorrow starts the 4th quarter. I hope you had a wonderful and relaxing break. I am looking forward to seeing you and hearing about your time off so please stop by and update me!

As you start the 4th and final quarter of the year, I wanted to remind you of the opportunity to use this fresh quarter as the chance to start fresh in your classes.

Some strategies for starting fresh:

- Organize your backpack

- Write down every assignment

- Show up to class every day and be on time

- Do your homework on time and bring it to class with you

- Improve your reading habits

- Establish or recommit yourself to a study plan (this is beyond just doing your homework!)

Enjoy your final day of sleeping in for tomorrow's late start day. (Yes, I am jealous! Getting up early again is the only thing I am not looking forward to with going back to school.)

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