Sunday, February 27, 2011

PSEO Program

The Post-Secondary Enrollment Options (PSEO) program is an opportunity for high school students to take college courses while still enrolled in high school. There are two alternatives for the PSEO program.

Option A is when students take courses at any college of their choice and pay for the courses on their own (often at a discounted rate) and are able to earn the credit for college credit only.

Option B is available in Central Ohio at Columbus State Community College, the Ohio State University, and Franklin University and is paid for by the school district. Students who participate in this option earn both high school and college credit.

There are a lot of details involved in participating in the PSEO program and it is not meant to replace or substitute for coursework available at the high school, but rather to enhance the educational opportunities available. Students must complete the paperwork by March 30th to indicate their intent to participate in the PSEO program in the following school year.

In order to explain all of the details of the program and to provide you with the forms necessary, all students and parents interested in participating in this program should attend the PSEO Information night on Thursday, March 3rd at 7:30pm in the WKHS auditorium.

I also wanted to mention a few other last minute reminders...

Tomorrow teachers will be turning in your interim grades, so be sure that you and your parents take the time to look at eSembler to gain a current perspective on where you stand with regards to your grades.

Seniors, as you have been hearing on announcements for the last few weeks, your senior pictures for the yearbook are due tomorrow. On Thursday afternoon Mrs. Mullen sent me a list of "my" students that haven't turned in photos and I was sad to see that over 40 seniors were included on the list. Please, turn your picture into Mrs. Mullen and, at the very least, talk to her about when you expect to be able to turn in your picture if you will not have it for her tomorrow!

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