Sunday, February 13, 2011

Changes in College Admissions

As I continue meeting with junior students and their parents one of the most common comments I hear from the parents is how surprised they are to see how much the college application process and the selectivity of schools such as OSU have changed since they were applying to college. The reality is that it is a constantly changing process and even in the last year it has changed. US News & World Report wrote this article about the 8 Big Changes to College Admissions in 2010 and 2011. I think you will be interested in reading about the changes such as the decrease in time spent reviewing student applications (which can be both humbling and scary considering how much time, energy and effort you put into the applications), earlier deadlines, less emphasis on recommendations and class rank, more emphasis on high school course rigor, application essay, and the student's senior year as well as an increase in colleges fact checking to verify that the information contained in the application is accurate and honest.

Tomorrow and Thursday I will continue to meet with junior students and their parents so catching me will be tough on those days, but Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday I will be more accessible. Thanks for being patient as I know it is hard to wait while I try to meet with every student individually. Thursday you will also have the potential of seeing a teaser for the musical during 8th period and on Friday there will be an afternoon assembly so keep in mind that you will have a different bell schedule that day.

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