Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Cap & Gown Orders

So, I had really good intentions of writing a blog post for tonight regarding test anxiety, but it has been a long day and I'm not sure I can successfully put 2 sentences together and have them be helpful... hopefully tomorrow.

For tonight, this message is for all of the seniors and their parents!

If you have not already ordered your cap and gown for commencement you need to take care of this ASAP! The initial deadline has already passed, but Herff Jones has extended the deadline to January 31st. The current price is $26.50, but it jumps to $55 on January 31! There are 135 seniors who have not yet ordered their cap and gown and about 25 of those students are "my" students. Please, get this taken care of so that you do not have to pay the late fee. If you are using an older siblings cap and gown, be sure to let Mr. King know in the co-curricular office. If there are any special circumstances or constraints and you cannot afford your cap and gown, please stop to see me and let me see what we can do to help you (before the cost goes up).

I hope your first day of exams went well. For those of you who are hoping to change your schedule for next semester, stop in and see me during your lunch or off period as I cannot call you out of any of your exams.

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