Saturday, December 25, 2010

Merry Christmas!

Merry Christmas! I know that everyone does not celebrate Christmas, but either way, I hope that you have a wonderful day today surrounded by the people who mean the most in your life.

I am in Kentucky with my sister's family. My sister, brother-in-law and I just finished wrapping the gifts and putting them out under the tree. My niece and nephew (Carly and Colton) are *SO* excited for Christmas. I can honestly say that their excitement is contagious and I am thrilled to be able to spend the holiday with them. I don't know if it is snowing in Columbus, but it is snowing here and it looks beautiful. An added Christmas gift for all of us who were hoping for a white Christmas! :-)

This Christmas I hope you will be thankful for all that you have received and find joy in giving to others. I have so much to be grateful for this year - my family, friends, and the students with whom I work with each day. Thanks for being a special part of my life. I hope you have a relaxing and memorable Christmas!

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