Thursday, December 2, 2010

Application Reality Check

I was out sick again today, but am finally starting to feel as if I am rejoining the land of the living and even have part of my voice back! I will be at school tomorrow so if you have needed something this week, please plan on stopping by my office tomorrow.

I am anxious to get back and catch up with you on how things are going, how your thanksgiving was, and, for the seniors, how the application process is moving along. I anticipate that there will be quite a stack of transcript release forms waiting for me since all applications with a January deadline were due to our office by yesterday. So, let's do a quick reality check on where you should be for the application process (if you are a senior)...

- Your transcript release form and any required paperwork that needs to be submitted to the college should have been turned in to Mrs. Hoyt (registrar) in the counseling center

- If your college forms required a recommendation letter then you should have turned in the parent brag sheet and counselor recommendation supplement forms to me by now. (I have the rec letters written for everyone who had submitted their paperwork prior to Thanksgiving.)

- If your college applications require a teacher recommendation letter then you should have asked your teacher for a rec letter and provided them a resume or the recommendation request form with information sheet completed.

- If you are still working with January or February deadlines then you should be working on editing the drafts of your essays to perfect them before the deadline.

Hopefully that falls in line with where you are in the application process... and it is even better if you are ahead of the game and have submitted your paperwork in advance or already submitted your applications! Some of you have started hearing back from your colleges, don't forget that we are tracking that information, so please keep me posted as you receive the college admissions decisions from each school.

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