Sunday, November 28, 2010

Weekend Wrap Up

Well, did you have a nice Thanksgiving weekend? I sincerely hope so! Mine was fun, but definitely busy. On Thanksgiving we started at my grandmother's house with my mom and step-dad and then later in the day went to my dad's house where his wife and her family were gathered to celebrate. Needless to say there was lots of eating! :-) On Friday my sister convinced me that I needed to go shopping with her and mom. For those of you who know me at all or from reading this blog - I HATE TO SHOP! Everything about shopping bothers me. There is just no enjoyment from it for me at all. My sister and my mom enjoy it which is definitely a good thing for me as they do pretty much all of my shopping for me. This is the one day a year that they want/ need me to go with them. I am sure it is not my positive attitude or enthusiasm for the day since those are both lacking, but I suspect it has a lot to do with my willingness to drive the car, drop them at the door, stand out of the way with the cart or holding their bags. So, we ventured off together at 6am and I am not sure what time we came home - it felt like it had been an eternity, but I don't think it was really that long. My sister left me at home and went back out shopping again until late in the evening - she is definitely a shopping champ! I am thankful for her dedication though as I think she helped get me pretty close to done with all of my Christmas shopping. :-) Hooray! Life will be great if I don't have to step foot in another store for the remainder of the holiday season. On Saturday we spent some more time with my grandmother and mom while watching the OSU game and then went to see Tangled - a cute Disney movie about Rapunzel. My sister, her husband and my niece and nephew headed home today so it was back to the grind with writing recommendation letters. I am thrilled and relieved to share that I am caught up on all of my letters! I'd love to think that I have written my last one of this college application season, but somehow I suspect that is too good to be true. Now that I have brought you up to date on all of my long-weekend festivities, I hope you will stop by my office and update me on how your holiday weekend played out.

Looking ahead I would like to warn you that I am out of the office all day on Wednesday, December 1st, for a meeting at central office on Credit Flexibility and am out for the last few hours of Friday afternoon for another meeting. And, since I am giving you "warnings" I'm not sure if this counts or not, but my voice is pretty much gone. That may be a good thing for you, but it really isn't for me. :-) I'm not sure if I am trying to fight something off or what the deal is, but my throat is bothering me a little and my voice has been going down the drain... and that is without talking to anyone in an effort to help save it as much as possible. We'll see what tomorrow brings and hope for the best.

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