Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Report Cards and Reminders

Report cards for 1st quarter will be distributed tomorrow (Thursday) during 3rd period. If you are at the Delaware Area Career Center of have Options during 3rd period you will be able to pick up your report card from the secretary in the Counseling Center tomorrow. Remember, the grades you have now are not the grades that are used to calculate your Grade Point Average. GPA is based upon semester grades. So, no matter what your grades are now, there is still time to bring them up (if that is an issue). Please be sure that you are seeking help from your teachers and the academic assistant's in Room 209 if you are struggling. And I would also like to congratulate all of the students who are off to a strong start! You have no idea how happy it made me to find a note in my box today with a copy of grades pointing out how well a student is doing - I want that for each of you!

A few reminders:

If you are struggling in any of your classes, I strongly encourage you to have your parents set up a parent/ teacher conference for November 8th or November 11th. You can even attend the meeting with them if you are worried about what they might discuss... after all, it is your class and your academic plan they would be discussing. If parents are interested in setting up an appointment to meet with teachers, they can call the Counseling Center at 883-2590 to request meeting times.

Also, don't forget that I will be out of the building for the next two days. I am attending a state-wide counselor's conference so I will be in meetings all day which means I will not be able to access e-mail or voicemail messages until Monday. If you have an emergency, stop in and see another counselor, otherwise just leave me a note or stop in on Monday and we will catch up.

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