Thursday, November 25, 2010

Happy Thanksgiving!

I wanted to take a moment and wish each of you and your families a Happy Thanksgiving!

I hope that you have a wonderful day and that you are surrounded by family or friends who mean the most to you. And, of course, Thanksgiving wouldn't be Thanksgiving without food - so I hope you are also able to enjoy some of your favorite foods.

My family is all in town so we will be celebrating several times and definitely enjoying a lot of great food. It should be a great day with people I love and I hope you enjoy the same.

As I pause and think about all of the things that I am grateful for this year I wanted to share with you how thankful I am that *you* are in my life and that I have the honor of working with you. I am very blessed to have a job that I love and to be able to work with people such as you on a daily basis.

Happy Thanksgiving!

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