Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Career Madness

So, I had grand ideas about what this week would be like on my blog... lots of career related information. I wanted to post interest inventories, facts about careers, useful and not so useful stories about people and their career paths, questions to get you thinking more about careers, teasers about some of the amazing people we have attending the career fair to talk with you on Friday, etc, etc, etc. In my mind it was going to be a great week for blogging updates. Sadly, reality is a far stretch from that.

I am flat out exhausted.

The career fair should be great. Thank you to all of the students who have so graciously donated time and energy to help these past few days so that we are prepared for the next 36 hours (not that I am counting). :-) Thank you also to all of the students who are volunteering to help with set up tomorrow night and Friday morning with assisting our guests. If anyone is still interested in helping out, feel free to stop by school tomorrow any time after school and into the evening. We'll be there until at least 9:30 so you are welcome to stop in and help set up tables. If you want to help Friday morning, meet in the library at 6:45am. :-)

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