Wednesday, November 10, 2010

A Basic College Application Checklist

So, it seems that lately in my office a lot of seniors have been worried that they are missing steps related to their college applications. The most accurate and most important response that I can give to you is to look at exactly what the college is asking for and make sure that they have each item requested by the deadline date. (And remember, that means that they actually have the materials in their office - not the date that you bring it to WKHS to have us mail or even the postmark deadline - it is the date that they need to have your entire completed application packet.)

1. Complete your application - generally speaking this will be online.

2. Write your essay. I have mixed emotions if I should list this as #2 because you can't actually complete your application without your essay if one is required, but you probably don't know what the essay questions are unless you have started the application. Some schools will not require an essay while others will require multiple essays. Please plan accordingly because they take a long time to perfect.

3. Complete a yellow Transcript Release form for each school that you are applying. You can find these on the center island area of the Counseling Center. You will turn it in to the secretaries in the counseling center (you do not need to wait to try to see me) along with ALL papers that need to be mailed along with your transcript. There is a $2.00 transcript fee if your transcript must be submitted by hard copy. (Common App and Bowling Green are able to be completed electronically so you do not have the $2.00 fee for those schools.)

Sometimes people ask what are the other papers that might need to be mailed with the transcript. This is one of those pieces that goes back to what the colleges require. Many (most) will have some kind of a college prep/ counselor form that I will need to complete. Although less common, some colleges will have other requests such as a resume, an extra essay, teacher recommendation letters, a picture, etc. If it is to be mailed to the college, then you should include it all in the same packet that is mailed with your transcript and school profile.

Another side note related to the transcript release forms - 10 school days for processing is one of the big points we stress. For those of you with December 1st deadlines, that is tomorrow. At the latest, please make sure your transcript release form with any other supporting materials has been turned in by next Monday! We need time to print your transcript, review it, complete our paperwork, get it mailed and to have it arrive at your college admissions office before the deadline. Please do not procrastinate!

4. Send your test scores - You need to make sure that you have submitted your ACT or SAT test results directly from the testing agency to each college where you are applying. You complete this step directly with the testing companies. If you are not sure if your test was sent, please log on to their site and double check.

5. If your college requires a teacher or counselor recommendation I really hope you have already arranged for someone to write them. Again, you should be giving your recommender at least 30 days notice to write a letter.

6. Double check your entire application, pay your application fee and submit the application.

It truly is not meant to be overly difficult, but it does require a great deal of organization and follow through on your part. With 375 seniors in this year's graduating class it is important to remember that you have to stay on top of things because deadlines are real and you do not want to lose the opportunity to apply to a school or to earn a scholarship just because you had not taken care of all of the details required.

If you have questions, stop by and see me and I will try to help make sure that we are all on the same page regarding what you need to do before your deadlines to complete all of your college applications.

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