Sunday, October 31, 2010

Volunteers Needed

Happy Halloween! I hope you all had a safe and fun weekend. Friday night's football victory over Thomas was certainly an exciting way to kick off the weekend. I wanted to share this picture with you of my niece and nephew in their 2010 Halloween costumes. Carly was a "Glamour Girl" and Colton was "Woody from Toy Story." Carly said she would only share one square of a chocolate bar with me (smart girl who loves chocolate), but Cole said he'd share lots of his candy with me. Too cute!

OK, so now to the "real" update...

I need your help! As you are aware, the 2010 WKHS Career Fair will be on Friday, November 19th from 7:30 - 9:15am. This is a huge event and we need help from students to make it possible. We are particularly in need of students to help with setting up the tables and materials for the event on Thursday night (November 18th). We have 2 hour shifts running from 3:30 - 9:30 on Thursday night and we also need help early on Friday morning starting as early as 6:45. I have a sign up sheet in my office, so if you are willing to help, I would appreciate it if you could stop by and sign up as that will allow me to know how many people we can expect to help out. I will also be honest that chances are good I will start begging you to help as you stop by and visit over the next few weeks. (Consider your self warned!) :-)

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