Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Tomorrow's Schedule

Hopefully you have been listening to the announcements so you are aware that we are on a very different schedule tomorrow. It is a "4A/ 4B schedule" to allow for a drug and alcohol free presentation. From what we have heard about the presentation, it is supposed to be very good so I hope you enjoy it.

In case you don't have the schedule:

1st: 7:45 - 8:27

2nd: 8:32 - 9:14

3rd: 9:19 - 10:02

4th: 10:07 - 11:57
(After you report to 4th period, your teacher will let you know if you have class first and the assembly later or if you are going to see the assembly first and then returning inside for class. If you have 4th period lunch, you go to the assembly first and lunch will begin after the first assembly concludes.)

5th: 12:02 - 12:44

6th: 12:49 - 1:31

7th: 1:36 - 2:18

8th: 2:23 - 3:05

I also wanted to let you know that tomorrow I am tied up in meetings, essentially, all day long. Sorry! I will be out of the building all morning and then when I get back to school have meetings all afternoon. As always, leave me a pass and I will find you as soon as possible.

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