Saturday, October 16, 2010


It has been a week full of fun activities to celebrate Homecoming weekend. The painted windows looked great and I enjoyed seeing the students dressed up in their interesting range of themed outfits each day. The football game last night was a great victory and it was wonderful to see so many former students who came back to cheer on the wolves.

A special congratulations to one of "my" students, Sarah Bear, who was crowned Homecoming Queen during yesterday's assembly.
(I loved the Homecoming Themed Lobo's!)

Congratulations also to Naomi Barker and Robbie Davidson who were honored as Sophomore Homecoming attendents.

I love to chaperone the homecoming dance beause it is great to see all of you dressed up and having fun. I hope you enjoy your time with pictures, dinner, and the dance! Have fun and be safe!

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