Monday, October 25, 2010

10 More Essay Writing Tips

I have to admit that I am growing a bit nervous by the lack of essays that I have seen so far this year. Perhaps you are all asking your English teachers and parents to edit your essays (which you should definitely do!) or you feel so confident that you have written a perfect essay that you don't need my input. However, I fear that I haven't seen your essays because you haven't finished your essays. Even more frightening is the fact that some of you probably haven't even started drafting your essays! So, for those of you who are thinking about writing your essays, here are 10 more college essay writing tips:

1. Give yourself plenty of time!

2. Figure out your essay prompt choices and then which one is ideal for you to answer

3. Reflect on yourself! What makes you you? Remember, insignificant things may be significant in setting you apart

4. Draft, Edit, Repeat. (I liked this idea of an “Editing Funnel”)

5. When answer questions asking Why College X: They are looking for fit – what can you bring to their school that will contribute to the college – Needs to ring true – be specific – Relate your experiences with the strengths of that college – picture yourself on campus and explain what you find most appealing – draw on past experiences and highlight how they might carry over to your college contributions

6. Consider the essay to be your written interview

7. Be specific and vivid – provide details to help the reader engage in the story

8. It’s about you, but be careful not to overuse the word “I”

9. Remember, Leadership = Responsibility + Followers

10. Use vivid verbs – see this article for some great examples

I also wanted to let you know that I am in a district-wide meeting all day tomorrow so I will not be in the building. Please plan to stop in and see me on Wednesday if you need anything. And, for those of you who might be advance planners, I can also share with you that I will not be in the building next week on Thursday or Friday as I was selected to present at a state counselor conference.

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