Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Homeroom Update

Just a quick reminder that we will be on a modified bell schedule tomorrow as it will be the first homeroom schedule for the year. We will have a 16 minute homeroom between 2nd and 3rd period. There will be a lot happening during the homeroom tomorrow and several components are connected to the Counseling Center.

The first item is that all students will be asked if they have a cell phone and, if so, the phone number and if you allow texting. I have long ago realized that the majority (but not all) of the students have a cell phone and that it is nearly always with you. It isn't always easy to find you in the commons or during your off periods, but we are hopeful that being able to text students will make that an easier process. We hope to be able to attempt a new system by which we will be able to text you and let you know when we need to see you during your off periods. You are still not allowed to check your phones during classes, but this will allow you to receive messages in a more confidential manner than the passes or phone calls to the classroom informing you that we need to see you. If we need to see you immediately then we will still need to use these other methods of locating you since we do not want you using your phone while in class.

The other item from the counseling center is that many students will receive a verification sheet regarding the total number of credits you are taking and the potential impact on co-curricular eligibility. Any student with less than the required number of credits for academic eligibility will have a sheet to complete and students who have exactly the number of required credits (and therefore must pass every class) in order to maintain academic eligibility will also have a form to sign verifying that you understand the impact should you fail a class.

As always, if you have any questions about any of this, please don't hesitate to stop by and see me during one of your off periods.

And, in case you are curious about tomorrow's bell schedule:

1st Period: 7:45 - 8:33
2nd Period: 8:38 - 9:26
Homeroom: 9:31 - 9:47
3rd Period: 9:52 - 10:40
4th Period: 10:45 - 11:33
5th Period: 11:38 - 12:26
6th Period: 12:31 - 1:19
7th Period: 1:24 - 2:12
8th Period: 2:17 - 3:05

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