Tuesday, August 31, 2010

An Upgrade...

PrepHQ is a wonderful resource that, under normal circumstances, I strongly encourage all of you to use. Unfortunately, this weekend PrepHQ underwent an "upgrade" that has resulted in it not being accessible. To say that this is frustrating does not even begin to describe how we have been feeling as counselors and I can't even imagine how challenging this is making things for you. Please be patient and hopefully it will be up and running soon. I am very hopeful that the changes they have made to the website will be useful, helpful, and will still include all of the old favorite components. PrepHQ sent us an e-mail stating that they are working around the clock to try to fix the latest problems. Once the website is updated, you will need to know your old username and password as well as our school id (which is worthingtonkilb) to create a new username and password. Parents will now be able to create their own username and password so that students and parents no longer have to share the same username and password. I will post when the website is back up and working... hopefully it will be very soon. In the meantime, know that we are just as unhappy and stressed about it not working as you.

A final reminder to all senior students and parents that tomorrow night, Wednesday, September 1st will be the College Information Night. We will be covering topics such as the process for submitting your application materials to Kilbourne and to the colleges. As this will be your first time going through the college application process, please make every effort to attend this meeting and try to bring a parent along with you since they will be very important and helpful throughout your application process.

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