Monday, August 23, 2010

Schedule Confusion

When the schedules were printed there was a problem that has created a great deal of confusion for many students and parents. The Academic Prep and Options periods were not showing up on the print-out even though they are appearing on the computer. Computer services has been working to resolve this problem and we are not sure why it was happening as it all looks fine electronically. So, as you look at your schedule, if you notice that you do not have anything listed for a period, then that is your Prep or Options time. If you are a freshman or sophomore, that means that it is Academic Prep and you will need to report to Room 207. If you are a junior or senior, that means you have Options, so you can select where you study and spend your time within the school building. I am sorry for the confusion that this has caused for so many students. Looking forward to welcoming the students of the Class of 2014 tomorrow! For all of the upperclassmen, enjoy your last day of summer!

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