Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Good Luck in College!

One of the most rewarding parts of being a counselor at WKHS has been the visits, calls, texts, and e-mails from former students. When they no longer need me for schedule changes or a college application and yet still find time to fit me into their schedule means more than I can explain. Over the last few weeks I have seen or heard from students in each of the 4 graduating classes that I have been fortunate enough to work with at Kilbourne. Over the next days and weeks, the recent WKHS Class of 2010 graduates will be heading off to start their college careers. Knowing that many of these students and their families continue to follow this blog, I wanted to wish you well and also pass along some of this information that might be helpful and interesting to you as you prepare for your future.

Don’t Send in the Clones (Article about the benefits of being open to new experiences where roommates are concerned)

Chances are, you have been driving your parents crazy this summer... and you would say that your parents are driving you crazy. Unfortunately, that is a normal (although very frustrating) part of the typical pattern of the "senior to freshman" summer. You and your parents are working to establish a new relationship where you will not interact with one another on a daily basis and in the same ways that you have during high school. Below are a few links that are geared specifically to your parents...

To the future college Class of 2014 (as well as all of my former students) - Good luck in College! I am confident you will be successful and I wish you happiness as you pursue your dreams. Don't forget to stay in touch!

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