Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Career Fair

I have been working with a committee of parents, teachers, counselors and other staff to plan the 2010 career fair. (For those of you who are entering your junior or senior years, you hopefully recall the first Career Fair that WKHS hosted in 2008.) Our goal is to hold a career fair every other year so that all Kilbourne students will have the opportunity to interact with professionals from a wide range of career fields twice during your high school career.

The first major part of this effort was launched today - a survey for professionals in all different career fields to complete about their job.

In addition to my students, I know that many parents read this blog - and I would sincerely appreciate it if you (parents) could help with this project by completing the career questionnaire. I would also love it if you could forward the survey to any of your family members, friends, neighbors, or colleagues - especially anyone with unique careers! Below is additional information about our efforts.

High school is a time for students to explore options for their future and one major aspect includes investigating careers. Most students are unsure of how different majors might lead to specific careers and exactly what various jobs involve. We are trying to assist students by providing them with information from a wide range of careers and our hope is that you will help us!

This is a link to a brief questionnaire (28 questions) that we would like you to complete regarding your job. We would greatly appreciate your help in completing the survey! We will be compiling the information provided through these questionnaires to create a career resource handbook for our students.

In addition to the career handbook, we are also planning a career fair for the students at Worthington Kilbourne High School. If you live in the central Ohio area, we invite you to join us for the career fair on Friday, November 19th. All career representatives will be given an assigned table area set up in a manner similar to a health fair or trade show and students will be able to talk to you informally in one-on-one conversations or in small groups. We will create a handout using the career information you provide in the questionnaire and while you do not need to bring anything else, you are also welcome to bring samples of any aspects of your job as a “show and tell” for the students.

We also hope you will forward this message to family members, friends, or colleagues so that we can gain information about their careers as well.

Thank you for your time!

If you have trouble using the hyperlink, please copy and paste the following link into your browser.

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