Saturday, June 12, 2010

Lifelong Friendships

Today I spent part of the day at a 60th wedding anniversary party for some of my grandparent's friends. As I walked around the party talking with their group of friends and some of their kids I thought a lot about all of you. My grandfather went to the same high school as several of their friends. After graduating from high school he, like the rest of his friends, went off to fight in World War II. They came home, married, started their own lives, but their friendships remained strong. And it is not just the males, the ladies of the group also have an extremely close and special friendship. This group of friends have been a huge blessing to my grandmother since my grandfather passed away and that is what I have come to expect from all of them - they are truly lifelong friends. Time is so different now than it was when my grandparents were teenagers, but the treasure of friendships is timeless. When you leave high school you will likely spread out and attend different colleges, perhaps you will travel the globe, begin new careers and start families of your own, and I hope you will find a way to nurture the friendships that are the most important to you.

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