Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Diploma Presenter

This blog post topic is long overdue, but I have been so sad for the last few days over the tragic death of Cannon as well as the death of one of my friends/ former colleagues so I just hadn't been thinking about posting. It is a strange mix of emotions in that I was so happy to see so many former students again, but so sad regarding the circumstances that had brought everyone together. I did have an overwhelming sense of gratitude for what an incredible sense of community and family there was as I looked around and saw everyone united in support of one another.

It is this same sense of community and family that continuously makes me grateful to work at WKHS with such incredible students. As most of you know, I love many of the traditions at the school and one of my absolute favorites is that each graduating senior is given the opportunity to select one person from the eductional years to have present them with their diploma. I suspect that some students put a great deal of thought into picking who they would like to have as their diploma presenters and others quickly dash off the name of someone at the last second. No matter what, I am confident that you have no idea how much that means to the teachers, coaches, or other staff members that you select. I know that speaking for myself, this is truly one of the highest compliments I feel like I could ever receive and it is a thrill to be able to give a hug and offer my congratulations as I present students with their diploma.

This year I had the honor of presenting six students with their diplomas.
(Left to Right): Will Campbell, Chris Bryan, David Busch, Kristin Black, Michael Frizzi, and Ryan Keller

To Will, Chris, David, Kristin, Michael, and Ryan - thank you for allowing me to share in your graduation day! I look at this picture and it is hard to believe that you are no longer "my" students, but I am happy for you and excited for all that is ahead of you in the future. I cannot wait to see the difference you will make in the world. Thank you for brightening my days throughout the year and for always giving me a reason to smile! I wish you nothing but the best in the future!

A special thank you also to Andy Gottesman, a former student, who was kind enough to stop back at Kilbourne to take this picture.

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