Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Senior Recogntion Night

Tonight was the Senior Recognition Night - a time when graduating seniors are honored for the contributions and awards received over the last four years of high school. A very impressive group of 204 students were honored tonight. I am proud of all of you and was honored to participate in your evening of well-deserved recognition! It is definitely a busy time of year, so I am thankful that over half of you were able to make it to tonight's ceremony - especially to the girls lacrosse players who won their game and were able to rush into the auditorium before the ceremony ended to participate in the recognition.With so many of "my" students being recognized tonight there was no way that I could try to get the entire group together for a picture, but I was able to grab this group of 7 students who happened to be near one another during the post-ceremony reception. Left to Right: Jeffrey Chang, Kristen Bond, David Busch, Becca Amato, Julie Ecker, Marissa Minichello, and Haley Bogatay.

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