Sunday, May 9, 2010

No Posts...

I am sorry that I have not been able to post an update over the last few days. I even promised the kids at Socratic Society on Friday that I would put their picture up on Friday or Saturday, but have not been able to follow through on my promise because a virus has decided that attacking my computer would be fun. I am *NOT* happy about that! Hopefully I will be able to get it figured out in the very near future and be able to add posts with pictures, but for now, please be patient with me until I get my computer back.

By the way, any seniors who forgot to turn in their Academic Signing Day forms and would still like to participate, I heard that they will be stopping in to pick up all remaining forms tomorrow, so please turn in your form in the morning! As a reminder, Academic Signing Day will be held on Thursday, May 13th at 7:30am and is a chance to honor any students who have received $4,000 worth of scholarships (either in 1 year or over 4 years - so if you are receiving $1,000 that is renewable for 4 years then you are eligible to participate.) I hope to see lots of my students being recognized Thursday morning!

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