Sunday, May 2, 2010

AP Tests

Over the next two weeks many WKHS students will be putting the knowledge learned over the course of the school year in their classes to the test with the Advanced Placement Exams. The tests are held at the WEC on designated days and I know that many of you have been spending an extraordinary amount of time studying to prepare for the exams. Good Luck! Stop by sometime and let me know how you felt after the tests.

For those juniors and seniors who went to Prom last night, I hope you had a fun and memorable evening! It was a beautiful night and a great location for prom. I enjoyed seeing everyone dressed up. Congratulations to Kaytee Ambrozich and Alexandra Cassens who were on the Prom Court. Hopefully everything after prom was over, including After Hours, went well and you had a fun and safe night. I am looking forward to hearing more about your prom experience.

One other quick note, tomorrow I am in a district level committee meeting from 9 - 2 so I will not be around for most of the day, but will be there first thing in the morning and at the end of the day so feel free to stop in then, otherwise I will have to catch up with you on Tuesday.

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