Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Diploma Presenters

A reminder to all seniors - if you plan on asking someone to present you with your diploma at graduation - the deadline for submitting your presenter request form to the co-curricular office is this Friday, April 16th. I love the fact that you all have this opportunity as a way to make graduation an even more memorable experience. If you do not select someone to give you your diploma, an administrator from WKHS or central office or a school board member will present your diploma to you.

Also, don't forget that tomorrow we will be on a 3A/ 3B Assembly schedule. Seniors will be in the gym for a presentation about staying safe at college as well as being able to pick up the caps and gowns you ordered. Everyone else will be in the auditorium to hear the debates of the students running for Student Body President and Student Body Vice President.

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