Wednesday, March 24, 2010

"Senior Survivors"

Last night was the Junior Student and Parent College Information Night. A highlight of the evening was a panel presentation by senior students who have survived their senior year and are nearing the end of their high school career and a parent panel of senior parents to talk about their experiences in navigating the adventures of senior year. I was INCREDIBLY impressed with both the student and parent panels. The participants did an outstanding job giving honest viewpoints about the upcoming year for the juniors and their parents.
A very special thank you to (left to right) Taylor Luke, Christine miller, Thomas Green, Tim Gebert, and Roy Greim for their participation on the "Senior Survivor" panel. These students represented a variety of different college choices - different sizes of schools in different areas of the country. More importantly though, they represented WKHS in a poised and helpful manner. In addition to the student panel were the parent panel participants - Jay Ellis (dad of Emma), Cheryl Sparks (mom of Nathan) and Juli Bogatay (mom of Haley). The parents had drastically different experiences with regards to how their children handled the college application process and therefore had a lot of insight that they were able to share during the panel. Thank you to the parents for sharing your knowledge and insight!

I was also excited to see so many of "my" juniors in the audience along with your parents. Remember that I am always here to help you in any way that I can.

One last final thanks to Roy, Mrs. Bogatay, and Mr. Ellis. I appreciate your help more than you will ever really know!

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