Sunday, March 28, 2010

Go State!

I hope you had a nice weekend. Did you spend any time watching basketball? It has certainly been a crazy tournament with a lot of very close and exciting games. As many of you know, I am a huge sports fan, but particularly love watching sports where I know someone competing. (That is part of the reason I enjoy watching all of you compete in various sports at WKHS!) My dad retired from coaching basketball at Canton McKinley after they won back-to-back state championship titles in Division 1. Several of his players continued their athletic careers playing basketball at the collegiate level and they are now college seniors. One of these young men is Raymar Morgan who is a starter at Michigan State and will be making his second straight appearance in a Final Four Tournament. I couldn't be happier or more excited for Raymar! As one of the only seniors, it has to be such a thrill to know that he is ending his collegiate career in such an impressive way. Raymar's strong play in today's game included the game-winning free throw. He also earned 10th place in MSU history for career high scoring. And he is one of just five players in MSU history to have over 1,500 points and over 700 rebounds. It has been quite a ride and I have enjoyed watching him play. In case you couldn't figure it out, I will be cheering for MSU next weekend! :-)

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