Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Countdown to Spring Break

Just 2 more days of school before Spring Break begins! Have you been counting down? I know that it has seemed like some students have been counting down since we returned from winter break. :-) It is almost here. Of course, that also means that the end of the 3rd quarter is also upon us. This has been a tough quarter for a large number of you and so I encourage you to enjoy your break and refocus for the 4th quarter. While we still have 2 days left, I wanted to give you a heads up that I will not be accessible for nearly all of the day on Thursday. I will be in the building, but attending a district meeting that runs from 8am - 2pm. If you need anything before break, please try to find time to stop in and see me tomorrow. And, I also wanted to make sure you remember that tomorrow you have a late-start day with school beginning at 9:10am. (Enjoy sleeping in, but remember that this is a 9:10 start time like most of the late start days, but different than the OGT late-start time from a few weeks ago!)

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