Monday, February 22, 2010


I can't even begin to count the number of seniors who have stopped in and mentioned that they are dealing with "senioritis." And, even some juniors are already saying that they feel like they have senioritis in advance. While I understand that it can be hard to maintain your focus and pay attention to the details that are necessary to earn apply yourself in classes after you have been accepted to college, the reality is that it is still VERY important! You have heard it from me and yet many of you are still letting things slide... so perhaps the information shared in these articles will help enhance your sense of motivation on the importance of not giving in to senioritis.

As we have discussed before, colleges have the right to revoke admissions decisions for any students whose grades and courses were not consistent with what they had previously expected from the student based upon their history at the time of application. This article addresses colleges revoking admissions decisions.

Please continue to work hard in classes and remember that interim reports are just about 2 weeks away.

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