Monday, February 8, 2010

Honors Diploma

Students graduating in the Class of 2011 and beyond have new requirements if you hope to earn an Honors Diploma. The requirements for the honors diploma listed below are established by the state department of education.

You will need to fulfill 7 of the following 8 criteria:
- English: 4 units
- Math: 4 units (including Algebra 1, Geometry, Algebra 2 or equivalent and another higher level course or a four-year sequence of courses that contain equivalent content)
- Science: 4 units (including Physics and Chemistry)
- Social Studies: 4 units
- Foreign Language: 3 units (including at least 2 units in each language studied)
- Fine Arts: 1 unit
- Grade Point Average: 3.5 on a 4.0 scale
- ACT/ SAT Score (excluding scores from the writing sections): 27 ACT/ 1210 SAT

The one area that I have noticed some students falling short in is the science area. Some students have decided to take a different AP Science course instead of taking physics. It will still be possible to earn an honors diploma if that is your situation and goal, but you will need to make sure you fulfill all of the remaining criterion.

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