Thursday, January 21, 2010

Oh the Places You'll Go

Congratulations - you survived exams! I hope that they went well and that your studying and preparation paid off.

As anyone who has stood outside of my office knows, there is an "Oh, The Places You'll Go..." display that features pictures of "my students" on college campuses during their visits. With another long weekend coming up and no exams to study for during the weekend, it is a great time for a lot of students and families to head out to visit and explore colleges. If this is a part of your plan, please be sure to take a picture somewhere on campus for me to have on the wall! I'd really like to have more pictures! And, for those of you who have told me you have pictures, but still have not brought in a copy, I'd love to have it to add to the wall.

For the record, the picture can be anywhere on campus, but I would like you in the picture! So, pick out a pretty place on campus, find a cool sign announcing the colleges name, or snap a picture in front of the building that houses your major where you anticipate spending most of your time in the future.

For younger students, if you don't have any idea what colleges you would like to consider in the future, you can use this weekend as a time to go and visit some nearby colleges to start figuring out the things that you do or do not like in a school. (And, don't forget to take a picture.) :-)

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