Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Birthday Wishes

Today was both my mom's birthday as well as my nephew, Cole's, birthday. Cole turned 4 years old today. I called to wish him a happy birthday tonight before the financial aid meeting and he was busy playing. I asked about his day and he told me he "got presents that are over there..." Cute, but not very helpful in updating me about how he had enjoyed his day.

It is hard to believe that he is already 4 years old. When my niece was born, I had cross-stitched a picture that I framed and had ready to give to her when she made her grand entrance into the world... poor Cole, he is now 4 years old and I still have not completed his picture. I have been focusing on this over the past few weeks putting in countless hours with the hope that I will be able to finish it before he turns 5 years old. :-) I will keep you posted - perhaps acknowledging to all of you that I have been procrastinating on his picture will give me the motivation to get it completed.

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