Wednesday, December 23, 2009

College Admissions Related

I realize that the college application process for this year is winding down and the waiting, for many of you, is just beginning. For other students, the application stage is next fall or beyond, but this is timely information to keep in mind at all stages.

Inside the Admissions Office:
The Wall Street Journal and present the heads of 8 college admissions departments sharing insight into the process of reviewing college applications. I have mentioned the website in the past and strongly recommend that you check it out. Here is a blog posting that talks about and links to the broadcast.

More Information:
This article also highlights the great information available on the website with a list of links to some of the recent webcasts that might interest you.

Surprise! How it can help you get accepted is a blog posting highlighting the benefits of using surprise in your college application essay to catch the attention of the admissions officers reviewing your application.

The Answer Sheet, a blog from the Washington Post, recently had an update called “Between the Lines of the College Admissions Process” by the admissions dean at William and Mary College that I believe you will also enjoy and find useful.

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