Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Caps and Gowns

Today during lunch, tomorrow (Thursday, November 12th) during lunch, and tomorrow evening during the parent/ teacher conferences, representatives from Herff Jones are in the Commons to take orders from seniors for your cap and gowns! It is exciting that it is already time to order your cap and gown and yet it is also hard to believe that graduation is less than 7 months away. Please be sure to check the ordering information you received during the senior class meeting about placing your order for your cap and gown so that you can get yours ordered before the late fee gets added to the order. (I am not 100% positive, but I believe that date is early in December.) If you lost your cap and gown order forms, stop in the Co-Curricular office for an extra copy.

I would also like to thank all Veteran's as well as those men and women currently working to serve our country in the military. Several of my former students have pursued military careers after graduation and I am grateful for them and all veterans.

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